Athena's Abode


I'm Athena. I write fic on Ao3, mostly for Tower of God.Commission info can be found here!

Commissions CLOSED

Commissions close if all ficlets and short oneshots slots are full, or if the medium and long oneshot slots are full.

Fic TypeOpen SlotsTotal Slots
Short Oneshot22
Medium Oneshot12
Long Oneshot01

Featured Works

Some of my favorite works!
(Ordered by word count, more can be found on my Ao3)


Terms and Conditions

  • Payment required upfront in USD through my Ko-Fi. In the message portion, please write your name, contact, and payment (This can be made private).

  • Commissions are for Tower of God only.

  • You must be 18+ to request a NSFW fic. If I ask for proof, please message me a social media link with your age displayed (having an “18+” is fine).

  • If you decide you no longer wish to commission me, fics under 3k will be refunded in full.

  • For fics over 3k, you have a two week period after the payment is made. If you decide you no longer wish to commission me within this time, I will refund you in full. Otherwise afterwards, I will refund 50% of your payment.

  • If something happens on my end and I cannot finish your fic, I will refund you in full.

  • Refunds will be done directly through PayPal.

  • Do not claim the fic as your own.

  • Do not use the fic for AI training.

  • I will write most things! However, I reserve the right to refuse a prompt.

Other Notes

  • While on break from college, commissions are expected to take about a month, but will vary based on length.

  • During college, my writing schedule will be more erratic, so expect fics to take much longer.

  • I have a tendency to overshoot in word count. I will not charge you if I go over on my own.

  • That being said, please request prompts that are more likely to be within the word count you specify. Do note that the fic quality will suffer if you choose a long prompt for a short fic.

  • Tell me if you want a hard cap on the word count.

  • Let me know if you would like to remain anonymous when I post the commission.

  • Also let me know if you would like the fic to remain private, or sent to you in a different form (PDF, Google Doc, etc.). By default, I will post them on Ao3, gifted to you if you have an account.

  • Please stay active on communications! I will send you updates and snippets, and may ask questions about your prompt.

Prices (in USD)

Fic TypeWord CountCostExpected Time
Ficlet500 - 1k$101-2 weeks
Short Oneshot1k - 3k$152-3 weeks
Medium Oneshot3k - 6k$204-5 weeks
Long Oneshot6k - 10k+$35+5+ weeks
Multi-Chap10k+$50+Will discuss

Anything above 10k words will be discussed.

Ready to commission?

Twitter: @jusalittleweird
Tumblr: @jusalilweird
Discord: JustALittleWeird#8407